
Program and Event Sponsorship

CAMPO offers a range of diverse public events each year, providing brands with numerous opportunities to gain visibility and exposure to a wide audience. Our team works closely with sponsors to tailor partnerships that align with company goals, values, and marketing objectives. As a sponsor of CAMPO, your company will benefit from branding and marketing opportunities, including logo placement, social media exposure, community impact, and more. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Camila Arbeláez at

Donations from Uruguayan corporations through FIC

Uruguayan corporations can support CAMPO by making donations through FIC (Fondos de Incentivo Cultural). These donations can be made in cash or in-kind. Donors choose the recipient project of their donation and receive a fiscl incentive of 35%, 55%, or 65% depending on the project. The company must provide proof of payment to FIC and the donation will be deducted from the company’s income tax liability.

In-Kind Gifts

CAMPO welcomes donations of equipment, furnishings, time, expertise, and other useful items. The foundation has a review process to assess the suitability of these gifts. Please contact Gabriela Ravier for more information.